This page is dedicated to the exploration, description and documentation of our children’s heritage.
You can navigate through use of the surname list, through the index, or by following the links from individual family cards. There are links at the bottom of each page to help you navigate. There are also links to complete descendent trees starting at the earliest ancestor of a given line.
The basic view is a family card which shows a couple, their parents and their children. The age shown on the family card is the person’s current age as of the date of this update, or the age at death, if the person is no longer living. Ages shown next to various events are the person’s age when the event occurred.
Clicking on a camera icon will open a multimedia window.
Clicking on a person’s name will open a more detailed tabular information sheet for that person and his/her spouse.
Clicking on a tree icon will open an ancestor tree going back up to four generations.